Sunday, May 7, 2017

Tyler is My "Home"

I've stood on both sides of Niagra Falls
Caught a Red Sox game at Fenway Park
Drove along the Pacific shoreline at sunset
Stood in the Gulf of Mexico in the dark

I've seen the great fair of Texas
And in Philly I watched the Boss
Stood on the spot where they shot Kennedy
In awe of the Golden Gate as I drove across

Watched a game in the stands of Wrigley Field
Another on the hallowed grounds of Notre Dame
Bowed my head for the graves at Arlington
Searched the Vietnam Wall for a relative's name

Toronto, St. Louis, and Colorado Springs
Tallahassee, Nashville, and San Francisco too
Many beautiful places in America
All with many things to see and do

Yet I would trade every place I've ever been
To spend some time wherever you may be
Your courage is taller than any mountain top
And your smile calms me like the sea

I know I'm home when I sit with you
And no matter where I have to roam
The only place for me is where you are
Because where you are is Home

Click for Comments!

  1. Love the're spot on - wherever our loved ones are is the best kind of "home"...


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