Saturday, October 1, 2016

Read This One

Good morning!

If you ever feel like you need a reason to believe in the good that can be found in young this one.

Tyler spent the better part of his school career in the district's middle school.  Even as he neared graduation he was allowed to stay there because his size and development level was a better fit for that age range.

One thing they offered the students was an opportunity to volunteer some of their lunch period to play basketball with Tyler.  Every year we were all pleasantly surprised at the amount of interest from the students.  After all, these are kids of the 11-13 age range and not necessarily mature in charitable thinking.  

We know Tyler loved the interaction with his peers, but we also saw evidence that being with Tyler touched these young people as well.  One such young man gave Tyler a nice note which was placed with a  basketball picture frame.  The note was from this boy's heart:

"Dear Tyler and Family,

Tyler is a great kid and has grown so much since I met him.  It has been an honor working with Tyler throughout the year.  We had great times together and a little friendly competition. These times will be treasured in my heart forever.  I would like to tell Tyler great job not giving up.  I know things like his disabilities are giant obstacles and he got around them this year.  Lastly, keep up the good work making those hoops Tyler!"

The young man said he was giving the picture frame to Tyler so he could have a basketball picture in it.  We placed the boy's note in it instead.  We could think of nothing more special that deserved to be displayed.  

This note has followed Tyler to his new home and is displayed in his bedroom.  Perhaps Tyler can't read and appreciate it like we can, but having that kind of heartfelt love and respect close to him is a wonderful thing.  And a wonderful gift by a thoughtful young man.

Be well and God bless.   Tom 

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