Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Cool Things out of the Blue

Sometimes, even during these difficult times, cool things happen out of the blue that remind you that positive things are still all around us.  We are certainly in dark times right now, but sometimes a beam of light finds its way through for no apparent reason.

Today I saw a notification on a messaging platform but I didn't recognize the name.  I clicked on it and read one of the coolest messages I've seen in a while.  A gentleman was leafing through an old elementary school yearbook and saw Tyler's picture.  It made him remember Tyler fondly, especially his good nature and kindness.  Think about that, he still remembered Tyler 20 years later.  He went on to say he wanted me to know he enjoyed the blog and was thinking of Tyler and the family.

How absolutely cool is that?

I think it shows how much we all impact people's lives without perhaps realizing it.  And we impact those people through our demeanor and our actions, not necessarily by what we say, how smart we are, or the materials we have.  Its flattering to thank that Tyler may have contributed a small piece to this person's development and helped to shape him in a positive way.  Obviously this person is unique in that he was willing to reach out as a completely unknown person to just say hello and give a fond memory of Tyler.  Whether he realizes it or not, I won't ever forget that.

Sometimes our world is very dark, and my writings and my thoughts are dark as well.  I'm human and I express things the way the world effects me.  But there are good people out there who value empathy, compassion, and respect for one another.

Thank you "L" for the pleasant reminder.

Be well and God bless.    Tom

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