I just wanted to take a moment to say something I feel very strongly about.
The world today is more complex than ever. And somewhere along the line I think we have lost some fundamental human concepts. The one I want to mention today is remembering to show love and appreciation to the people that help you along the way.
I can't possibly count how many nurses, doctors, etc. have been there for our family. I hope along the way I remembered to spend a personal moment with each and tell them that they did something special.
Please think about that next time someone comes through for you. Tell them that they did a great job. Tell them you appreciate their efforts. For many they are in the field so they might help people, not just to gather a paycheck. They will feel great when you look them in the eye and tell them they made a difference. Not only will they feel good but you never know if it will encourage them in a way they needed right then.
So just remember, those that serve need to know you care about them as well. A smile and a "thank you" doesn't cost a thing!
Be well and God bless. Tom
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