Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Reaching 55,000 Views

I am honored to report that today "My Walk With Tyler" has reached 55,000 views.  What has been even more of an honor is how it has allowed me to share Tyler's story with so many people, often people that I did not previously know.

Tyler is a unique and wonderful individual.  I would never claim to understand WHY any of us are placed on this earth, much less a young man who has had to overcome all of the things he has been faced with it.  But I do know that while he has been here he has inspired other people.  He has enriched the lives of many people.  He has taught important lessons to all of those that he has touched.

He has shown me the best of who I am, and sometimes the worst, but to never simply settle for either one.  I must always strive to think about my effect on other people, and to cherish and protect the feelings of those around me.  I must remember that I am my brother's keeper.  At work when I teach employees about safety, I explain to them how important it is to protect their health and the health of those around them.  I talk about how if every one of us looks out for the person beside them, we would all be safer and well taken care of. 

He has shown me that I don't need a fancy house, or a fast car, or fancy clothes.  I don't need 1000 Facebook friends.  I need the love of my family and a few close friends.  I need to know that we are all loved, respected, and secure. 

He has shown me so much about be courageous.  That courage is about facing the unknown with confidence.  Courage is about beating the odds and never looking back.  Courage is moving forward even when you fall down.  Maybe the greatest example of courage that Tyler has taught me is how to remain smiling, even when things are hard.

It also blows me away how far and wide his story has reached.  I have had the opportunity to travel much of the US and somehow his story comes up everywhere I go.  This blog has reached many, many countries on nearly every continent. 

Tyler is a gift.  He is a gift that I am so proud to have shared 55,000 times to people all over the world.  I believe that he has changed people's lives.  For that he will someday inherit a throne of gold.

Be well and God bless.    Tom

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