Very soon, my wife, daughter, in-laws and I will be heading back to Disney. It makes me reflect back on some of the good times with Tyler there. They weren't always the easiest trips, but they generally went well and we made some terrific memories. I wanted to share just a couple of those nice memories today.
Tyler especially loved watching the fireworks show at Epcot. The music and the lights would capture his attention and make him point and smile. I often found myself watching him more than I watched the actually fireworks.
There were a few rides at the parks that Tyler really enjoyed. His favorite may have been Splash Mountain. He would look for the big hill and laugh

all the way down to the bottom. He also enjoyed the Tower of Terror! I will never forget hearing him yell and clap after the ride was over. He also enjoyed Test Track.
I will also never forget when we all met Mickey Mouse at a greeting place. We got some great family pictures, and as we were leaving, Mickey reached out to me and gave me a hug. It's difficult to explain but the person in that costume wanted to show me the kind of understanding and compassion that only that kind of hug can show. It was a human, connecting moment that I will not forget.
The last time we were there I knew in my heart that this was likely his last trip to Disney with us. While there is always an
open door of possibility, reality would suggest that such a long trip is not something he would enjoy anymore. As we were leaving the last park on the last day, I took a private moment with him and posed in front of the Epcot ball. I told him that we had been through some ups and downs on those trips, but I was honored to take them with him, and I would never forget them. I promised to only think about the laughs we enjoyed there together.
This trip will be very different without Tyler. I am looking forward to giving Sam the attention that she has been missing on these trips. I look forward to taking more time for myself to relax and enjoy the scenery. I will also miss Tyler's company. I will think of him when we come over the hill of Splash Mountain, and he will be right there with me.
Be well and God bless. Tom
all the way down to the bottom. He also enjoyed the Tower of Terror! I will never forget hearing him yell and clap after the ride was over. He also enjoyed Test Track.
The last time we were there I knew in my heart that this was likely his last trip to Disney with us. While there is always an
open door of possibility, reality would suggest that such a long trip is not something he would enjoy anymore. As we were leaving the last park on the last day, I took a private moment with him and posed in front of the Epcot ball. I told him that we had been through some ups and downs on those trips, but I was honored to take them with him, and I would never forget them. I promised to only think about the laughs we enjoyed there together.
This trip will be very different without Tyler. I am looking forward to giving Sam the attention that she has been missing on these trips. I look forward to taking more time for myself to relax and enjoy the scenery. I will also miss Tyler's company. I will think of him when we come over the hill of Splash Mountain, and he will be right there with me.
Be well and God bless. Tom
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