So just how is Ty-guy doing?
We got to spend time at church with him yesterday, and then took him to his favorite pizza place for lunch. Shout out to Marinos Pizza in York, Pa. for having a welcoming venue for us to spend some quality time with him. One awesome thing that has happened recently is that Tyler doesn't mind if Robin sits with him during the church service. Previously we would sit in a different area so we wouldn't disrupt his routine and possibly make him too distracted to make it the entire hour. A few weeks ago Tyler came in and Robin sat with him just to see how that would go. She has been sitting next to him ever since (I am running the video board so I get to watch this from afar). This is a nice step forward for both Tyler and Robin!

His caregiver, Miss R, explained that he has been doing well now that we are headed toward spring. Tyler suffers terribly from a seasonal disorder which lasts from about November first until March first. We don't know WHY it happens exactly. Could be the cold weather, lack of natural light, barometric pressure, or some other force that only his brain experiences. Whatever the reason, he enters a very dark period for these 4 months. He is generally more tired, grumpy, defensive, and unhappy. Some years are worse than others, but that time period is about as consistent as it gets. Judging by his demeanor yesterday, he is feeling pretty good right now.

As difficult as it is sometimes to relinquish that "control", we have learned to allow him to live in his world now. As long as he is healthy and happy we will continue to do so.,
Be well and God bless. Tom